Our Songs

They built her out in the country,
Away from the traffic that streams,
A school for their sons and daughters,
An answer to all their dreams.
Parkland they gave her in plenty,
In gardens and lawns it was laid,
With room for tennis and cricket,
And trees with their welcoming shade.
Twenty-five years she has stood there.
She stands in the country no more,
For the township has grown and extended
And houses press close to her door.
In through her open portals
Throngs the continuous tide
Of students, who think with affection
And gaze on their school with pride.
And though the school outwardly changes,
Her purpose will still be the same;
New pupils will love and respect her,
And old ones remember her name.
Written by Enid Spencer, VIB, 1951
It’s good to see the School we knew
The land of youth and dream,
To greet again the rule we knew
Before we took to the stream.
Though long we’ve missed the sight of her
Our hearts may not forget,
We’ve lost the old delight of her
We’ll keep her honour yet.
We’ll honour yet the school we knew,
The best school of all;
We’ll honour yet the rue we knew
Till the last roll call.
For working days or holidays
And glad and melancholy days,
They were great days and jolly days
At the best school of all.
The start and sounding vanities
That half the crowd bewitch,
What are they but inanities
To him that treads the pitch??
But where’s the wealth I’m wondering
Could buy the cheers that roll
When the last charge goes thundering
Beneath the twilight goal?
Omit chorus
To speak of fame and venture is,
There’s little here can bide,
But we face the centuries
And dare the deepening tide.
For though the dust that’s part of us,
To dust again be gone,
Yet here shall beat the heart of us,
The school we handed on.
We’ll honour yet the school we knew, etc
Verse 1
It’s good to feel secure and safe and treated with respect
To learn, to honour, and be a part of history time has kept
Ngati Whakaue, “Mana whenua!”
You’ve helped us on our way
You’ve given us a place to grow, a place to know, and say
We sing the praises of our school Raukura stand supreme
We rejoice and lift our spirits high reaching for the dream
Ad astra per aspera, Whaia te iti kahurangi
To strive, achieve and be the best
Kia kaha, kia taea, Raukura e
Verse 2
We are guided by a friendly word of wisdom and of truth
Encouraged to pursue the path, building manhood out of youth
With our colours flying red and blue with our minds set straight and true
Together we will share the joy, Kotahitanga, ko tahi kura e
We sing the praises of our school Raukura stand supreme
We rejoice and lift our spirits high reaching for the dream
Ad astra per aspera, Whaia te iti kahurangi
To strive, achieve and be the best
Kia kaha, kia taea, Raukura e
Verse 3
The leaders of tomorrow are a part of our today
We share the house, the class and school and fields on which we play
Through hard work and commitment and the passion to succeed
We’ll reach the stars, achieve our goals and prepare ourselves to lead
We sing the praises of our school Raukura stand supreme
We rejoice and lift our spirits high reaching for the dream
Ad astra per aspera, Whaia te iti kahurangi
To strive, achieve and be the best
Kia kaha, kia taea, Raukura e
To strive, achieve and be the best
Kia kaha, kia taea, Raukura e
Adapted from the original school song
By Mr R D Paul, HOD Music 2007
Raukura e
Ko wai rā tēnei e tū atu nei e?
Anei rā mātou o Raukura
E mihi atu nei, kia ora rā
E taukītia nei, ko ngā rau o te Huia
Hai whakarākai, e hoka e
Whāia te iti kahurangi
Ki te tuohu me he maunga teitei
Raukura e...Hi, ha, hi!